September 14, 2006

waxing on the waning sun...

Sadly, summer is disappearing, as is evident in the chill of the light of both dawn and dusk. The frigid fingers of Fall are wrapping around the longneck bottle of summer, preparing to tip the season upside down altogether, the last drops of a warmer, brighter time of year spilling into the gaping maw of autumn.


I’ve started wearing sweaters again here and there, and the hangers of warmer clothing are slowly making their way from the back to the front of my closet. For the first time the other night, I had to wear a jacket to the dog park. All these decidedly un-summery items are hanging up front and centre with the dress clothing, which has also been put back into high rotation now that work has started up for me again.

Speaking of work, it’s going well (easy to say after only a week back at it—I’m still in the honeymoon phase!) It’s a different position than I’ve held before. Less PR, more PR / Marketing, so it’ll be a switch for me to adjust to that, but it will be really nice to add to my skill set with some totally new things. The people in my department are really great, which is always nice. As you can see from the photos, it took a while to get settled into a “complete” office. The materials were a little slow to arrive. Thank goodness my kind and caring coworkers were so willing to pitch in and put together an office space using their own supplies…. The desk is a little small, the pen a bit frilly, and the paper a bit pink, but my coworkers are short females, so what should I expect?

Before work got started, Kate and I were in Kelowna and Kamloops visiting family over the labour day long weekend. Kate’s dad, his partner and her sons (as well as the dogs) and Kate and I had a chance to do some swimming in Lake Okanagan, which was still a lovely temperature. Up in Kamloops, we didn’t have a lake while visiting my parents, but the neighbour’s pool was open, so good enough! The local black bear has been making good use of the fruit trees in the area, and in general making regular appearances in the yards, as evidenced by these pics, taken by my sister, Kari.

Sure, he looks cute, but the droppings he leaves all over the lawn are far from adorable, all full of the remnants of everyone’s fruit that he’s been stealing!

And Finally (last, but certainly not least)Some big news coming out of Kamloops, comes via my brother, Jamie, and his wife, Dina. In true pop culture style, the pair let it be known that they’re expecting a wee one as of March 3rd, 2007! They did so by having us all over for a barbeque, and they presented my dad with a Grandpa Burger from A & W... GROAN!!! ;) My parents are totally thrilled, as are the rest of us. Kate and I are looking forward to the aunt and uncle gig! Congrats again to Jamie and Dina! YaAaAYyYYYY!

on that note, I'll close things off. The thought of new life is a much happier one than that of the end of summer ;)