December 14, 2020

End-of-the-year roundup

Christmas 2020 is upon us, and with it, way past due time to do a blog update! What's happened this year... hmmm... anything noteworthy? I've just sort of been sitting at home for the last nine months. 

Oh, right. That COVID-19 thing. 

Honestly, we as a family are as lucky and privileged as anyone could hope, given the circumstances. Stable housing, food security, steady incomes... that's the 2020 Trifecta right there, I think. 

Kate did have to shut down her clinic immediately back in March, but was able to re-open to limited in-person service by June. In the early days, Kate learned A LOT, very quickly, about the government employment benefit program and got her staff on board asap, and they moved to as virtual a service delivery model as was possible. Kate kept things interesting by completely obliterating he right wrist in a ladder fall on the same day her clinic was to reopen. Not one to let moss grow, she was doing her company payroll that very night, juiced up on Tylenol. 

She had to wait a few days for surgery (She has some lovely metal in her wrist now, and has healed up pretty well), and we discovered that Kate is quite the lightweight when it comes to anesthesia! Once, and ever since, she was able to return to her work properly "infection control" has become the name of the game on top of the regular work: making sure everyone is following protocols, calling in sick as necessary and getting swabbed as needed. It's a constant stressor, but it's being very well managed. Kate doesn't always sleep well, staring at the ceiling wondering what the next day will bring... luckily, Kate has never been one to buckle to a challenge, and she's powering through! 

Outside of work... well, what can we say. No travel, no visits, lots of walks and a summer spent in and on the water. Now that it's colder, still ON the water on our oarboard, but not IN the water anymore. The walks continue, of course, albeit in the rain more often than not!  

As for both the kids, like everyone else it was a long haul through the spring with home schooling and both Kate and I working full time. both kids went back to school this fall and so far, so good. Sacha is in his second year of late French immersion and it's going very well. He also returned to soccer in September, though play is limited. Something is better than nothing, however! 

Heidi started at a new, small school this year and it's been great. With only a few kids in her class, it minimizes the concerns for infection control, and she's getting a really great variety of subjects and educational units. She's learning everything from guitar to urban design. Pretty cool stuff. 

As for me, I've been happily ensconced in my home office since the whole COVID mess came to Canada's doorstep in March. My work has translated very well to a virtual environment, and we at Make-A-Wish have been able to turn our fundraising efforts into virtual offerings for the most part. Our revenues are down, but the work is engaging and satisfying. 

I haven't been to the rowing club since March, but as above, our oarboard has been taken out for regular jaunts, and we also have a rowing machine on loan here at the house. I'm lacking in strength training but I'm well-exercised otherwise! I don't tend to leave the house but for daily exercise, or for groceries once a week--I'm a model of good behaviour in COVID times πŸ˜‰The dog is in heaven, with someone at the house to keep him company all day every day! 

We did all manage to get away for a couple of nights camping in the summer; an easily socially-distanced endeavour! We were treated to a couple of nights of wonderful weather and time together in the woods. You can check that out in video form here, if you like! We also camped beach-front on vancouver Island while having a distanced visit with Kate's dad for a few nights, but that video is yet to be edited 😁 

One other significant and exciting thing to take place this year was the completion of a laneway house in the backyard, into which Kate's mum and her partner have moved into it as of September. Between us, them and the family of four living in our basement suite, we have 10 people living on this property! Gentle urban densification at its finest! 

In closing, we know not all have had an easy a time during this pandemic, with isolation, job security, mental health, addictions and abuse issues being real threats to many. To those who have struggled and are struggling, we're looking forward with you, and for you, especially, to a time when there's enough vaccine to go around, loved ones aren't getting sick, schools are back to normal as are so many other aspects in society. In the meantime, we'll do what we're supposed to do: keep to ourselves as much as possible, have a very quiet Christmas and New Years, and keep on doing what we're doing right on into 2021.

Speaking of Christmas, here's our annual excuse for not mailing out cards to anyone: the
Chase Family video Christmas Card, 2020 edition. 

On that note, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.